It seems like my spring, early summer weeks are incredibly busy. Between my usual high work load at this time of the year sprinkled with a few days off here and there for a break, I've had little time to write. And you would think, little time to observe. Not so.
When I ultimately come home from these busy days, I enter my haven. My home really is my castle. John and I have things just the way we want them. This includes our kitchen, even though I still miss my kitchen in Dallas. Making a meal, whether it is simple or elaborate, I control my surroundings or at least I'd like to think so.
What I love about my current kitchen is I can see all the happenings in the neighborhood from my kitchen window. Whether I'm washing salad greens or eating a sweet, juicy peach over the sink, I almost always mindlessly observe what's going on outside. John apparently does too.
A quiet day outside my kitchen window |
Not too long ago, John commented the little stretch of our quiet street must be on Yelp because we have witnessed all sorts of interesting sights. Our portion of the street has big shady trees; it seems to be a destination of sorts. Given all the activity it must have 5 stars.
The usual sightings are people sitting in their cars talking on the cell phone, having coffee before heading to plumbing job or a business person consuming their brown bag lunch followed by a quick nap. We have the daily ice cream truck passing by, always without fail, playing Happy Birthday. John and I know every dog and their mom or dad who ensures their pampered pooch has enough exercise. All fairly typical. But we've the atypical too.
As we've watched children growing up in our neighborhood, we've seen some very "Hollywood" type birthday parties. One family rented a vintage firetruck and went round and round our street, sirens and all, for a good two hours. We've also seen snow imported to a front lawn for play and miniature pony rides.
There have been the annoying happenings as well. An abandoned car that took the city of Los Angeles 6 weeks to ticket before they would even think of towing it. Or the white van that would show up every afternoon, rocking to the couple's own beat. Turns out they were operating a little prostitution shop. To see a guy pulled out of the van by the police in his tidy whities is not a view I'm accustomed to seeing outside my kitchen window.
One of the saddest things I witnessed was an elderly neighbor's son who had battered his girlfriend. She turned up sobbing outside my window. I couldn't help but hear her. Needless to say, I was compelled to go outside to assist.
Nature constantly surprises me. A mama squirrel moved her babies and nest from one of our shady trees to a safer, denser bush before a big wind storm moved in. She had her move wrapped up in 10 minutes! If only I experienced such moves.
The most unusual, but heart warming was on a Christmas Day a few years back. A single young man outfitted in his country's traditional dress and piercings slowly walked down the center of the street taking in his new surroundings. I'm guessing he may have been an exchange student. However, we have never seen him since.
Mostly I watch these everyday events in a passing fashion. And yet I find myself looking forward to the possibilities of what the next scene will be. Loving my trustworthy, reliable home and loving the unexpected just the same. Go figure.