Within a month of the move, we realized we had made a mistake. The town was too small for us. First the porridge was too hot and now it's too cold. We hadn't calculated in our love of all things big city life provides. Those loves include theatre, museums, great restaurants, retail choices, parks and ... friends.
Not only were we lonely we were bored silly. Our default entertainment choices were the bookstore and a mom and pop video rental store. Thank goodness for both.
One fall weekend, I rented a little unknown movie at the time called, "Tampopo
." This movie now makes some food writers Top 10 Food Movies of all time list. If you are not familiar with this Japanese movie from 1985. Here's a short summary without spoiling the ending.

Our next video foray was "Eat Drink Man Woman
." It's a story about a Chinese Chef who makes elaborate Sunday dinners for his daughters. Between these two movies, we were starting to get desperate for some great Asian food. Searching our little town's restaurants high and low, we couldn't seem to satisfy our craving. Next stop, the trusty bookstore.
There were many cookbook choices, but within the pages of a thin paperback titled, Chinese Cooking at the Academy
Our first attempt was Kung Pao Chicken. It would have been fantastic first dish had I realized you weren't supposed to actually chop the red peppers the recipe called for. We tried it again the next night and got it right. The flavors were tantalizing.
A few days later it's New Year's Eve. No party or friends to celebrate with, my husband and I turned to each other and decided to try something a bit more complicated from the cookbook. We chose pork and vegetable potstickers. We had never heard of bok choy and neither had the good folks at the local supermarket, but after a bit of searching we had bok choy and all the other ingredients we needed to create these little fried/steamed dumplings. The prep and cooking required every available utensil, burner, pot and pan we owned at the time. Even the oven got in the act.
What beauties we created! And the taste? Stunning.
By the time the following New Year's rolled around we abandoned the small town and moved to the "Big D," Dallas, TX. We decided to throw a 2nd Annual "New Year's Potsticker Bash." We invited our next door neighbors, a young couple named Lee and Jennifer, to help in the festivities. What a bonding experience cooking is. And with potstickers, there are jobs a plenty. Mixing the stuffing, folding the wontons into the proper shape, trimming the ends, one person to fry and another to steam.
We enjoyed Tsing Tao beer along the way, laughed, cooked and even improved upon the recipe. We established lifelong friends that New Year's day. When their friends and family finally came to visit, forget all that the "Big D" had to offer, it was potstickers they wanted. Our potstickers. We were game...bring it on! What started with John and I now grew to 8 people crowding into our little Dallas kitchen busily involved with the making of the tiny dumplings. Our reputation as the potsticker experts snowballed from there.
Over the years, we've repeated those scenes many times and continue to enjoy our potstickers and our friends. The dumplings definitely rank as one of our better dishes. One night over 20 people came over for "Potstickers Night" and everyone left bonded and full!
But more importantly, the shared cooking experiences refocused us. Gone was our boredom and loneliness. Say hello to the joy of self creation and the joy of bringing people together. Many times when we reflect on our decision to move to that small town, we've struggled to come up with what good came out of that experience. Usually we've come up dry. Today, upon reflection, we discovered that for us to overcome something negative, we had to get proactive. We may not have known what the final outcome would be, but our journey has been so fulfilling. Our answer now to the question, "What good came out of the small town experience?" It's...Potstickers!
Consider the following a bit of a post-script. I was searching the thousands of pictures on my hard drive for candid shots of past potsticker nights. None exist because when one is up to one's wrists in potsticker filling and laughing away, taking photos is not top of mind. The next time John and I do potstickers we will document the event with photos and will update this post.
If you have a favorite food movie, book or food inspiration, please post a comment. Your experience will surely plant the seed for someone else.
Top 10 Food Movies article from LA Weekly:
Top 10 Food Movies from Epicurious:
As you probably know my comments will be a little off the wall. 1st of all would be "Sideways" and of course "Like water for Chocolate". The new book, movie"Eat Drink Pray" can also tweak your taste buds.
ReplyDeleteAll great inspirations. Think I'll go get a piece of chocolate right now. The power of suggestion!
ReplyDeleteI'd seen the movie Chocolate years ago, but recently my book club chose to read the book. I wasn't excited. I avoid reading books after seeing the movie, preferring the other way around. But I'm a committed book clubber and dutifully started reading -- I now consider Chocolate one of my top 5 favorite books of all time.
ReplyDeleteTwo great movies. I remember them well from long ago. Nice narrative style, Sister Avey. Keep writing.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I love your story! And I love the way food became your vehicle for bonding with new friends. I don't know of anything else that's as good as a great meal to bring people together.
ReplyDeleteAs for movies, there's the wonderful "Big Night". It's been a while since I've seen it, but reading your post makes me want to rent it.
When my Chinese mother-in-law taught me to make pot stickers she said that it was as much of a social event as a cooking chore. They would sit around a table wrapping pot stickers and visit, gossip and share. Now that she is older she says "too much work!" She buys them from Ranch 99.
ReplyDeleteTeri, Your mother-in-law is right on all accounts. I suppose that's why we reserve making them for special occasions. I've never made tamales, but I've heard the exact same thing about them as well.
ReplyDeleteGreat story about pot stickers. I love, love, love "Eat Drink Man Woman". One of my top 5 food films of all time (if one is taking the High Fidelity approach to categorization). Tampopo is such a good movie too. I remember laughing at its parody of spaghetti westerns.
ReplyDeleteBabette's Feast might be my favorite food film of all time. All the grimness & austerity that comes before the feast only serves to make the food preparation & consumption that much more glorious. The happiness & contentment that comes over everyone's faces as the meal progresses is a great reminder of how great dinner w/friends can be. Near the end of the meal the general gives a great toast that the director of the film also quoted during his acceptance speech at the Oscars for Best Foreign Film, "...there comes a time when our eyes are opened and we come to realize that mercy is infinite. We need only await it with confidence and receive it with gratitude."
I haven't seen Babette's Feast! But it's in my Netflix queue now. Thanks Katina.